Phones and Fax
There are phones throughout the building which you may use for local calls. The main CCRMA phone number is (650) 723-4971. CCRMA's fax number is (650) 723-8468.
To place a phone call first get a dial tone by taking a free external line (press one of the top five keys in the phone set that is not lighted). Dial your number at once if you are calling within Stanford (number of the form x-xxxx). Otherwise press "9" to access a second dial tone and a real external line. After that you can call locally for free.
You can call another CCRMA phone by pushing one of the appropriately labelled direct connection buttons or by pressing the "INTERCOM" key followed by the 3 digit number of the extension you're trying to reach. Please note that all phone sets are digital! You cannot connect a modem or any other analog phone related equipment to the line. Doing so will probably damage your equipment and/or CCRMA's small PABX.